September 2023 – The recently published HCS Rehabilitation Salary & Benefits Report shows Physical Therapists (PTs) in long-term care facilities received higher pay increases in 2023 compared to PTs in hospitals and home health agencies. Staff Level PTs in long-term care facilities received an actual percent increase in pay of 3.70%, hospital PTs received an increase of 3.49%; and home health agency PTs received an increase of 3.23%.

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2,600 total facilities participated in the study, including 1,455 long-term care facilities, 355 hospitals, and 790 home health agencies. The Report covers 19 therapy jobs, salaries, bonuses, hourly and per diem rates. Ten fringe benefits are included in the study. Data are reported by state, CBSA, and region. The Rehab Report is available from HCS for $325. To order, visit the HCS website at or call (201) 405‑0075.